Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This Week's Most Hopeful Headlines

Clean energy flows through grid, bringing hope to millions

Farms, flowers spring up in former slums

Young idealists swear, ‘This time, things will turn out differently’

Renewed oceans brimming with fish, birds

Airlift rescues Africa’s starving children

U.N. to rule Jerusalem as ‘international city,’ open to all

Welcomed by classmates, misfit teens lose interest in drugs

New graduates find fulfilling jobs, won’t have to grovel and sell their souls

Former hookers find love and happiness at community center

Hit man finds honest work, discovers joy in growing tomatoes

Billionaires emerge from guarded compounds, share their wealth

Touched by act of kindness, elderly recluse decides to venture out

L.A. residents breathe freely; skies clear and blue once more

Night skies sparkle over Nevada

As crime fades into memory, children enjoy parks alone

Religious leaders throw out ‘dumb old books,’ move on

Witch doctors declared extinct

Back from the brink, coral reefs a riot of color

International borders dissolve in new era of trust, cooperation

City limits redrawn in way that makes sense

Homes, food plentiful as population shrinks

Songbirds fill trees in abandoned prisons

Spring rains melt away humanity’s past horrors

Courtesy of C. Ward

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