Friday, May 29, 2009

This Week's Most Alarming Headlines

This Week’s Most Alarming Headlines

Nigerian banker appointed to head IMF

Astronauts on five-year Mars mission hit dangerous cloud of blue balls

Seeking street cred, Bush opens office in South Bronx

Genocide feared as Cambodian clans battle for doughnut customers

Drug war victims demonstrate in Sacramento; demand better drugs

Hysterical frenzy of terror and desperation sweeps city as cold front nears

Adopted Chinese girls receive KILL NOW signal

CIA reveals computer chips were implanted in children’s brains, won’t say when

Voodoo economics makes a comeback in Haiti

Carnival cruise attacked by jellyfish, sharks, pirates: ‘But at least there was no E. coli’

Cheney warns critics in media: ‘Don’t forget who’s running this country’

Meth cloud blankets Bakersfield after cops raid drug warehouse

Rash of levitating kids traced to LSD in candy bracelets

Porn star Anal Annie sues for age discrimination; wants to keep working until she’s 90

Mexican border violence spills over into Canada

N. Korean nuclear plant melts down, disappears into ground

Dozens of exotic new humanoids discovered near Chernobyl

Mexican officials furious over California cutbacks: ‘How are we supposed to educate our kids?’

Advanced apes seize control of secret research lab

Geraldo attempts to follow doomsday cult in trek across DMZ

Adderall superachievers announce plan to revise Bible, rule the universe

Price of stamps to increase hourly when no one’s looking

Courtesy of C. Ward

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