Friday, May 03, 2013

What I Learned from Playing Bejeweled

Never lose track of the big picture.

Focus on what you're doing even when things get shaky.

There will always be someone better than you at this, but that doesn't mean much.

Pattern recognition is one of the most important guidelines in life. Having said that, speed is an incisive factor.

Sometimes just when you think you're about to fail, the game offers you an unexpected way out. You never completely know how the game is programmed.

The best way to execute a task is to get into the groove of it. That way it becomes easier.

When it becomes easy and automatic stay the course.

Sometimes, when in the groove of a task, do not over think your actions or it might impair the flow of things. It might be best to think about something else entirely, as a helpful distraction. This brain multitasking can be helpful in solving other problems at hand.
Also, negative thoughts will trump you and affect the game outcome.

You'll never know exactly what kids who play games addictively will turn into later in life. This kind of concentration and attention focusing could very well lead to development of constructive ideas and projects. But it also might not.

You can't sit for too many hours uninterrupted with this thing. It's really really really bad for you like that.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Today's Lists


1 - sitting at computer for hours without shifting position

2 - stand in awkward positions while skin picking

3 - turning on tv while eating

4 - turning on tv

5 - consuming extra sugar

6 - speaking to relatives

7 - conflicted relations conversation

8 - waking up without having moved around previous day: pain

9 - staying up late for something un-engaging

10- gossipping

11- whining


1 - picking up guitar and playing

2 - playing music on guitar, keyboard, drums, computer

3 - drawing, painting, graphic art, web design

4 - eating vegetables (except for nightshades)

5 - eating fish once a week, other meats infrequently

6 - my espresso elixir, no more than once a day

7 - going on walks in woods, mountain, beach

8 - stretching

9 - dancing, dressing up

10- driving a well-running vehicle

11- paying bills (because it means I can)

12- knowledge of having a safe place to sleep/go at night

12- scalding baths

13- non-scalding baths

14- massage

15- sex

16- selling things, services

17- finishing projects

18- starting projects

19- saying I love you to loved ones

20- fasting

21- making things

22- making lists